

We would like to inform the anyone interested in joining our campaign that we have numerous positions to be occupied by volunteers when the project kicks off in Nairobi, Kenya. Interested individual should write to us. you!


We discovered that people find it easier to do a bank transfer or mobile payment to make donations from various countries. So for this reason, we accept mpesa donation from kenya. People from other countries can contact us to provide them with means of getting their support to us. Thank you.

Positive reception!

Our campaign is gaining ground and we are getting traffic on our gofundme page. We implore everyone who comes to the page to support and share in all forms. The least you can do to help is by sharing and creating awareness.

Kindly support this campaign

Kindly support this campaign and let's make this world better for one another.  Donate: for-kenyan-glue-kids   

Making an Impact

Thousands of homeless kids roam the streets of Nairobi, Kenya.  Most of them are orphans and lack basic amenities which you and i take for granted. Due to this reason and other reasons, they have turn to scavenging, stealing and doing odd jobs to make ends meet. Their age ranges from as low 3 years old to 17 years old. Most of these kids are discriminated against and seen as the 'no ambition kids'. During my long stay in Kenya (2012-2016), i've come in close contact with some of these kids in downtown Nairobi. Contrary to what people have said about them, i saw kids who want a second chance at life and not cast away the way people have. It really broke me but there was little i could do then. With the help of my colleagues and the connections i have in Kenya, we have come up with a way to help these kids one at a time. First, they have to go through rehabilitation which is the toughest time, provided with steady food, shelter and clothing.  Most of us take all these b